News List

All in Courcey Rovers would like to take the oppoutunity to

Monday 31st December, 2018

thank all those who sponsored the club in any way over the past 12 months. To our club sponsor Nyhan Motors and to those who have given financial support to the club by displaying pitch side signs we say a big thanks and would hope that all club members and parishioners would give these businesses the...

Long Puc Results

Monday 31st December, 2018

Our annual long puc took place yesterday. 30 teams took part from the Premier Hurlers to our u6's. There was great competition among the adult teams with David, Fergus and Sean the winners on 39 shots. In second Dan Keating, D.J. Twomey and Saoirse on 41 shots. In third on 43 shots were Tadhg, Mike...

Ath-bhliain faoi mhaise

Monday 31st December, 2018

Happy New Year to all in Courcey's parish and our supporters away from the parish.

Well done to our Minor Hurlers this morning

Saturday 29th December, 2018

Winners of the Sean Holland Memorial Cup in Kilbrittain this morning

The next Club Lotto Draw will be held on Sun 6th Jan

Thursday 27th December, 2018

Jackpot is €7,700Tickets can be purchased in all business in the parish or online

You are invited..Coaches, mentors, players, supporters

Thursday 27th December, 2018

Courcey Rovers GAA and Camogie & Ladies Football Club would like to invite you to our end of year gatheringSaturday 29th December in The Speckled Door to celebrate our great year, from 8pm onwards awards presentation, followed by music and finger food. All Coaches, mentors, players and...

Long Puc

Thursday 27th December, 2018

will be on Saturday 30th December 2.30pm from Kilgobbin Cross to Ballinadee. Teams of 3 : U14 Over 15 FamilyBring your team on the day.Also bring a high viz and a sliotar and hurley

Courcey Rovers wish to extend their sincerest sympathies to

Thursday 20th December, 2018

The Nyhan Family The death has occurred of James (Jimmy) NYHANBallinspittle, Cork Nyhan (Ballinspittle) on December 19th 2018. peacefully at his home, James (Jimmy) beloved husband of Mary (nee Wall) and dear father of Fiona and Richard and adored granddad of Abby and baby James.Sadly missed by...

Club News of 16th December

Monday 17th December, 2018

Club LottoNo winner of the jackpot last Sunday the numbers are 4,6,7€40 to Jessica Norrish Ballinspittle, Mary O Donovan Artitigue, May O Donovan Crohane The Jackpot next Sunday is €7,500Christmas Raffle of €25 vouchers Centra, Barryroe coop, Billy Connery KinsaleWe will also...

Club New of 10th December

Wednesday 12th December, 2018

Club LottoNo winner of the jackpot last Sunday the numbers are 12,13,34€40 to Sinead O'Keeffe Knocknacurra, J & C Cotter C/o Hurleys, Nicky O'Donovan Ballinspittle. The Jackpot next Sunday is €7,300.We will also have the Christmas Raffle next Sunday.Tickets can be...

Club New of 2nd December

Tuesday 04th December, 2018

Club lotto no winnerNumbers 11,29,35€40 to Aine O Callaghan Lissoran, Trish O Driscoll Kilmore, Eileen O Donovan KilgobbinJackpot next week €7,100U21 county finalCourceys 0-17 Ballincollig...

Courcey Rovers Underage GAA Saile Winter Programme

Wednesday 28th November, 2018

Our Saile Winter Programme will take place again this year for all Underage boys in 7 to 11 year old age groups. Similar to last year, in addition to hurling & football, the boys will experience a number of other activities / sports throughout the Programme. Details as follows Time - 12 to 1.30 pm...

Club News of 22nd November

Tuesday 27th November, 2018

Club lotto no winner Numbers 20,21,22€40 to Ann raffetty Bandon, Sinead Nolan Knocknacurra, Lynda and Diane care O DonovanJackpot now €6,900Tickets can be purchased online at in Ballinspittle Village (The Co-op,...

Important Community Meeting

Saturday 24th November, 2018

Tuesday night 27th 7.30pm in GAA Meeting RoomCourcey Defibrillator Group are holding a community awareness meeting to determine if the group is to survive. All of the parish of Courceys are invited to this important meeting. Your support is needed to continue this vital community service. The...

Club News of 16th November

Wednesday 21st November, 2018

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 14,17,22€40 to Sean Murphy Knocknacurra, Pauline O'Regan Ballyhander, Mary Collins KnockpogueJackpot €6,700 Tickets can be purchased online at in Ballinspittle Village (The...

Club Lotto this Sunday Jackpot is €6,500

Friday 16th November, 2018

The lotto will take place at the annual Bazaar in the community centre 2.30pm to 5pm

Sunday 2pm Ballinspittle P.I.H.League semi Final vs Kilworth

Friday 16th November, 2018

Come out and wear the red and support our boys

Club News of 11th November

Wednesday 14th November, 2018

Club Lotto no winner last Sunday nightthe Numbers 7,22,36€40 to Aoife O'Sullivan Kilgobbin, Liam O'Shea Kinsale, Natalie O'Sullivan BallinroeThe Jackpot is now €6,500 and the lotto will be held at the Bazaar next SundayTickets can be purchased online at...

Club News of 4th of November

Wednesday 07th November, 2018

Club LottoNo WinnerNumbers 18,33,34€40 to Patrick O'Donovan Ballinspittle, Kathleen McCarthy Kilgobbin, Jacob Hayes KilkerranJackpot is now €6,300Fixtures: Sunday 11th Nov U21 Premier 2 Hurling Championship3pm vs Ballymartle in Brinny this is the second game in Brinny...

Kinsale Community School Senior Hurling Challenge game tonight

Thursday 01st November, 2018

vs Carrigaline U21's in Carrigaline tonight 7.30pm