News List

Junior Hurling Championship vs Shamrocks Thur 23rd 7.15pm in

Wednesday 22nd August, 2018

Kinsale Lets get out and support the lads

Minor Hurling Championship vs Eire Og in Ballygarvan tonight 7pm

Monday 20th August, 2018

Fixtures/Results P.I.H.L. Courceys 1-17 Ballinhassig 1-20We have 2 games to play in the league and are in 6th place.P.I.H.L. Fri 24th vs Charleville in Mayfield 7pmSun 26th vs Fermoy at home 12.30pm Junior Hurling Championship on Thur 23rd vs Shamrocks in KInsale 7.30pmMinor Hurling...

Club News of the 19th August

Monday 20th August, 2018

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 10,20,33€40 to David Lordan Speckled Door, Jerry YTwomey Ballinadee, Donal &Noreen Quinn KilcolemanJackpot €4,100Lotto can be played online at in the local...

U14 Hurling Championship tonight in Balinspittle 7pm

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

vs Blarney

Premier Intermediate Hurling Championship

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

Round 3 Blarney/Watergrasshill v Fermoy Carrigaline/Inniscarra v Charleville Cloyne/Youghal v Fr O' Neills Mallow v Aghada/Kilworth
Quarter-Final Ballinhassig v Valley Rovers Courcey Rovers v Castlelyons Blarney/Watergrasshill/Fermoy v...

Junior Football Championship Semi Final Sat 18th

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

vs Ballymartle in Kinsale 7.30pmLets get behind our footballers

Courceys De Sync sponsored by Nyhan Motors

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

was held last Saturday night in the community centre. 11 acts took part - De Courcey Drama - Halo: Courceys Athletics Club - Wrecking Ball: The Villagers - Don't go breaking my heart: Ballinspittle PA - Singing in the rain: Garrettstown House - Your the one that I want: Festival Committee - Spice...

U16 hurling Championship Fri 17th 7pm in White Cross

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

vs Raonuithe na Gael

Good luck to everyone getting their leaving cert

Tuesday 14th August, 2018

Results tomorrow

Draw for round 3 of P.I.H.C. tonight at 7.30pm

Monday 13th August, 2018

Premier Intermediate HurlingRound 3 – Twelve teams – Four games and 4 Byes. Only Round 1 winners may receive a Bye.Quarter-final – Eight teams. Four games.Semi-finals – Four teamsFinalPremier Intermediate Hurling Draw ProcedureThe eight winning teams from Round 1...

Club News of 12th August

Monday 13th August, 2018

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 2,27, 35€40 to Kevin O'Neill C/o The Speckled Door, Timmy Moloney Killanetig, Trevor O'Sullivan C/o The Speckled DoorJackpot €3,900Lotto can be played online at...

Nyhan Motors De Sync Information for all ticket holders

Saturday 11th August, 2018

The Doors open at 7pmThe Show starts at 8pm SHARPLimited seating in hall 'First come first served'There will be no parking at Kilmore Cross All cars to access the grounds through the Jim O'Regan gates and exit through the Garrettstown Gate.There will be a Bar and BBQ on site. A token...

Junior Hurling Championship Sun 12th August vs Tracton

Thursday 09th August, 2018

in Belgooly at 7.15pmCome on out and support the lads

Club News of 5th August

Wednesday 08th August, 2018

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 2,16,25€40 to Donal Og O'Sullivan, Pete O'Donovan Crohane, Richard Deely Barrells CrossJackpot €3,700Lotto can be played online at in the local shops or...

SOLD OUT - Nyhan Motors Courceys De Sync

Saturday 04th August, 2018

Our Nyhan Motors De Sync is now sold out Thank you to all who have purchased tickets. Ann will text with collection times on Sunday

Junior Hurling Championship Sun 12th August vs Tracton

Wednesday 01st August, 2018

in Kinsale Time to be confirmed

Carrigdhoun U21 Hurling Cup vs Ballinhassig on Friday 6.30pm

Wednesday 01st August, 2018

in Belgooly

Club New of 30th July

Monday 30th July, 2018

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 4,13,31€40 to Connie O'Regan Jnr Castlepark, J Rose C/o Hurleys, Sean Twomey Old CourtJackpot €3,500Lotto can be played online at in the local shops or business:...

Courceys Cul Camp is on the week starting Monday 13th Aug

Monday 30th July, 2018

To ensure your child gets the Cúl Camp gear during the week of the camp please register online before next Friday.

July Cork GAA Clubs Draw Results

Monday 30th July, 2018

RankMembership No.PrizeNameClub1ST PrizeA624 €20,000Jennifer ShanahanSt Finbarrs2nd PrizeK418 €5,000Finbarr O'FlahertyShamrocks3rd PrizeE338 €3,000Michael HigginsNa Piarsaigh4th PrizeP322 €1,000Liam CaseyCullen5th PrizeH925 €1,000Tina...