News List

Jeremiah Keohane U10 Hurling Tournament

Thursday 23rd June, 2016

Saturday 25th in BallinspittleTime 1pm Teams taking part are Courcey Rovers, Ballinhassig, Valley Rovers, Sliabh Rua


Wednesday 22nd June, 2016

The introduction of the rule whereby mouthguards are mandatory for players in Gaelic Football practice sessions and matches has led to a drop of 37% in the number of dental injury claims made via the GAA Injury benefit fund, resulting from incidents in Gaelic football training sessions and matches...

Help needed in the pitch on Sat night 6.30pm

Tuesday 21st June, 2016

We are hosting kilbrittain vs Argideen Rangers Bring a high viz jacket

Hurling Helmets

Tuesday 21st June, 2016

The GAA would like to remind all players at all levels in all Hurling Games and Hurling Practice Sessions it is mandatory for, and the responsibility ofeach individual player to wear a helmet with a facial guard that meets the standards set out in IS:355or other replacement standard as determined by...

Congrats to John O'Connell Garrettstown

Monday 20th June, 2016

winner of our lotto last night

Aware of Farm Safety

Monday 20th June, 2016

Adam Mangan, a young footballer from Co. Offaly, had a promising sports career ahead of him. No one could have predicted that by the young age of 19, his career would have ended in the most tragic way.It was an early October evening when Adam was using a trailer in his local area and subsequently...

Good luck to our Premier Intermediate Hurlers

Friday 17th June, 2016

In Blarney Saturday next at 7.30pm vs Castlelyons, 7.30pm

Clash without the Ash

Wednesday 15th June, 2016

Courcey Rovers GAA Vs Kilbrittain GAA Sat 3rd December in Bandon GAA Pavilion The match of the year

Adult Club meeting Tue 14th 9pm

Monday 13th June, 2016

All members urged to attend

Underage summer camp 27th to 30th June

Sunday 12th June, 2016

Please support our summer camp as this is one of our main fundraisers for the year. Dates 27th- 30th June. Camp open to Boys & Girls 5-13 years old. Forms went out to schools this week or are available on Any questions contact a member of the...

If you win the lotto you could ........

Thursday 09th June, 2016

Cork V Tipperary Munster Senior Football Championship

Wednesday 08th June, 2016

Semi-Final on Sunday 12th June in Semple Stadium, Thurles @ 3.30pm. The games will preceded by the Junior game between Cork and Tipperary. Munster Senior Football Championship Cork v TipperarySunday, June 12th3.30pm @ Semple Stadium, ThurlesReferee: Munster Junior Football...

Recycle your old football gloves and get 50% off .....

Wednesday 08th June, 2016

You might not know that we manufacture another product at GaelicPerformance, called the RAMroller. It is made from 100% recycled materials. Turns out that we can use the materials from old gloves to make some of our accessories for the RAMroller. So why not send us your old gloves and we...

winners of underage recent competition

Tuesday 07th June, 2016

1st Luke Deasy Ballinadee 2nd Ger Sweetman Lispatrick 3rd Aine O Donoghue Peafield

Good luck to all our members siting the Junior

Monday 06th June, 2016

& Leaving Cert over the next few weeks

Date for R2B PIHC vs Castlelyons

Thursday 02nd June, 2016

Sat 18th June in Blarney 7.30pm

Earn Cash for Courcey Rovers GAA Combined Clubs with Topaz

Wednesday 01st June, 2016

Topaz are giving Clubs up to €250,000! Collect 1 TOKEN with every €30/£20 fuel fill at Topaz. Courcey Rovers will be automatically entered into the draw if a total of 2,000 Tokens have been collected on their behalf by 7th August 2016. 1 Club will win €10,000 10...

Congrats to Finbarr &Kathleen Kilgobbin

Friday 27th May, 2016

Winner of an Apple Ipad in the May Cork Gaa Club draw for May

Blood Donor Clinic

Thursday 26th May, 2016

Saile Sports Centre, KinsaleTuesday 7th June5.00 – 8.30 p.m.For information go to or telephone 021-4807400

Good luck to our Preimier Intermediate Hurlers on Sunday

Wednesday 25th May, 2016

29th 7pm in RiverstickVs Valley Rovers