News List

Fe16 Football Championship replay V Canovee tonight 6pm

Friday 16th September, 2016

in Ballinspittle

Level 1 Coaching Course in Club in November

Monday 12th September, 2016

Date: between 5th and 12th NovemberNo of Sessions: 4 (2 Saturdays & 2 weeknights) This course is open to both G.A.A. & Camogie & Ladies football members with coaching responsibility for a group. Contact Niall 087-9395097 for further information...

Goodl Luck to our u12 ladies footballers in the county semi

Friday 09th September, 2016

final Sat 10th 3pm in Ballincollig vs Adagha

Details of the bus to Croke Park on Sunday

Friday 09th September, 2016

7.50am sharp leaving Ballinspittle8am sharp leaving Ballinadee

Goodl Luck to Ellen & Siobhain with Cork U14's tomorrow in

Friday 09th September, 2016

Dublin. Watch out for them in the parade on Sunday in Croke Park.

Goodl luck to Jacinta & Linda on Sunday in the All Ireland

Friday 09th September, 2016

Intermediate final vs Kilkenny in Croke Park 2pm

Junior A Football Championship tonight v Ballymartle in

Friday 02nd September, 2016

Belgooly 7pm Come out and support the lads

Well done to Sean Twomey with the Cork U16 yesterday

Sunday 28th August, 2016

and Aidan O Donovan who was with the Cork U15 in Riverstick

Well done to the U10 camogie yesterday in the Declan

Sunday 28th August, 2016

Crowley tournament in Ballinhassig

Good luck to the u12 lady footballers in final today vs

Sunday 28th August, 2016

Castlehaven in Dunmanway 4pm

South East Junior hurling championship vs Valley Rovers

Friday 19th August, 2016

Sun 28th 6.30pm in kinsale

Good luck to our Junior Hurlers in championship

Thursday 04th August, 2016

Vs Shamrocks in Ballygarvan on sat night 7.30pm

2016 Olympic Hockey schedule of match's

Wednesday 03rd August, 2016

Ireland are playing in pool B which includes India, Netherlands, Germany, Canada and Argentina. The schedule of match'sAug 6th v IndiaAug 7th v Netherlands Aug 9th v GermanyAug 11th v CanadaAug 12th v Argentina The club and parish wish David and Conor all the best for the Olympics....

Good luck to our u21 hurlers in championship

Tuesday 02nd August, 2016

Wed night 8pm vs Douglas in Pairc Ui Rinn. This is the second game.


Tuesday 02nd August, 2016

The Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee in conjunction with a working group comprising of experts including Dr. Catherine Blake, Prof. Niall Moyna and Dr. Kieran Moran have developed the GAA 15, a standardised warm-up programme aimed at reducing the number of injuries sustained by GAA...

De Courcey Vintage Club working day is postponed today

Monday 01st August, 2016

De Courcey Vintage Club working day

Saturday 30th July, 2016

Monday August 1st in Ballinadee. This year the recipients of the working day are The Irish Guide DogsBallinadee/Ballinspittle Foroige ClubCourcey Rovers Camogie and Ladies Football ClubBallinadee Development Association Come out and support this great parish day....


Saturday 30th July, 2016

SPECSAVERS, is marking its fourth year as official sponsor of Hawkeye. Over the past 3 years this technology has proved an invaluable assistant to referees and umpires in Croke Park and Specsavers are excited to see it in action in Semple Stadium as well this summer. Specsavers...

Good luck to Cathal Maguire who was named number 12

Saturday 30th July, 2016

on the Cork Minor Football team to play Donegal tomorrow in Croke Park.

Sports Prediction League 2016

Friday 29th July, 2016

The leader board up to and including the British Open Name Points 1 Declan Murray 101 2 Jack Roche 94 3 Jamie Hayes 92 4 Michael Harrington 89 5 Diarmuid...