Johnnie Murray U12 Hurling Tournament Sat 21st 1pm
Wednesday 18th September, 2013
Please support our All Ireland Replay Draw €2 per line
Monday 16th September, 2013
Applications for All-Ireland Hurling Final Replay tickets
Monday 16th September, 2013
We are still collecting Lucozade Sports bottle caps
Sunday 15th September, 2013
Extra Trains for the replay
Saturday 14th September, 2013
Family Tickets for All Ireland Hurling Replay
Friday 13th September, 2013
Draw for All-Ireland Replay Hurling Tickets €2 per line
Friday 13th September, 2013
J.H.L. V Carrigaline tonight at 8.30pm in Carrigaline
Friday 13th September, 2013
To Make an application to P Ui Chaoimh for Final Replay tickets
Thursday 12th September, 2013
S.H.L. V Newtownshandrum at home Sun 15th 2pm
Thursday 12th September, 2013
J.H.L. V Carrigaline Fri 13th in Carrigaline
Thursday 12th September, 2013
game v Newtownshandrum now on Sun 15th 2pm at home
Wednesday 11th September, 2013
JAFL Result: Carrigaline 4-9 Courcey Rovers 0-17
Wednesday 11th September, 2013
Underage club meeting on Thursday 12th 9pm in Club House
Wednesday 11th September, 2013
The club took part in Kilmacud Crokes All-Ireland Hurling 7's
Tuesday 10th September, 2013
J.F.L. V Carrigaline away Tue 10th 7.45pm
Monday 09th September, 2013
Congrats to Micheal, Bill & Declan who won our golf classic
Monday 09th September, 2013
To apply for Tickets for All Ireland Hurling Final replay
Sunday 08th September, 2013
Congratulations to Mary Galvin who won the underage raffle of 2
Sunday 08th September, 2013
Courcey Rovers GAA Golf Classic
Thursday 05th September, 2013