News List

Weekly News 10th July

Monday 10th July, 2017

Club Lottono winner Numbers 16, 26, 33€40 to Mary O Sullivan BallincurrigJerry o driscoll KilmoreGérard Fahy corkJackpot next week €3,900Our underage camp was last week. Over 140 kids took part. On Wednesday Conor Lehane spent the day at the camp. The kids really enjoyed the...

Good luck the Junior Footballers Fri 7.30pm in Kinsale

Wednesday 05th July, 2017

vs Belgooly in the Junior A Football Championship

Round 3 Premier Intermediate Hurling Championship

Tuesday 04th July, 2017

Losers of Kanturk/Charleville vs Courceys

Weekly News 3rd July

Monday 03rd July, 2017

Club LottoNo WinnerNumbers 7,9,13€40 to Ger Cooper Jnr C/0 The SpeckDavid Keohane DunderrowImelda Moloney BoxtownJackpot now €3,700Many thanks for your cooperation with our One Way System at the GAA pitch.We have sought and received feedback as to how the system is working....

Important notice for all parents of our underage & camogie playe

Saturday 01st July, 2017

Many thanks for your cooperation with our One Way System at the GAA pitch.We have sought and received feedback as to how the system is working. Feedback strongly suggests that everyone's safety is better served if the entry and exit points are switched.With effect from Monday and the...

Junior Football League vs Ballinhassig tonight

Saturday 01st July, 2017

Is cancelled It will now be played on Monday night 8pm in Ballinhassig

Match Report for Courcey Rovers win over Watergrasshill

Monday 26th June, 2017

Check out the match report here for Courcey's recent win over Watergrasshill last Saturday night in the Premier Intermediate Hurling championshipMatch Report by Shirley MoloneyCourcey Rovers advance after late Watergrasshill rallyFixture: Cork County Premier Intermediate Hurling...

Weekly News 26th June

Monday 26th June, 2017

Club Lotto Numbers 7,30,33€40 to Lisa Sugrue C/O Speckled Door, Theresa Murphy Knocknabinna, Sean Murphy KnocknacurraJackpot €3,500ResultsU13 Hurling Youghal 2-3 Courceys 4-12U12 Football Courceys 3-12 Ballinhassig 4-1U12 F.L. Courceys 1-7 vs Clondrohid 2-7U16 H.L. Courceys...

Ticket information for Cork v Waterford

Monday 12th June, 2017

Munster Senior Hurling Championship Cork v WaterfordSunday, June 18th4pm @ Semple Stadium, ThurlesTicket InformationPurchase your ticket before Sunday June 18th and save €5.00 on adult ticket prices.Pre Purchase Adult Covered Stand: €30.00Pre Purchase Adult Uncovered...

League Tables

Saturday 10th June, 2017

League Table Junior A Football League TeamPlayedWonDrawnLostPoints ForPoints AgainstPoints DiffPointsBallymartle 650189573210Ballinhassig 5401575528Valley Rovers 531110059417Shamrocks 53026067-76Courcey Rovers 4211494635Ballygarvan 5203656324Tracton...

Good luck to all our players

Tuesday 06th June, 2017

who are doing the Junior & Leaving Certificate exams over the next few weeks, hope all your hard work pays off!

Important message to parents of underage gaa

Tuesday 06th June, 2017

With effect from this Wednesday evening June 7th, we plan to operate a one way traffic system on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings.The reason for this change is to ensure the continued safety of all children and adults who visit our grounds.Entry to the pitch will be through the GAA gate. Exit...

National Hurlng Development Workshop

Monday 05th June, 2017

A who’s who of hurling expertise and knowledge has been assembled for an innovative series of coaching workshops taking place across the country in the coming weeks.VENUES & DATES:July 15th. Mallow GAA Centre, Co. CorkRegistration: 10.00 a.m.Workshop: 10.30 – 01.45...


Sunday 04th June, 2017

is a new online video platform available worldwide on which houses in-game clips, weekend round-up packages,archive footage and other bespoke content. For more details visit

When you buy fuel at a Topaz forcourt swipe the rewards card

Wednesday 24th May, 2017

Topaz are giving Clubs up to €200,000! Collect 1 TOKEN with every €30 fuel fill at Topaz.Courcey Rovers is registered under 'Courcey Rovers GAA Combined Clubs' #3323. You can register at start collecting points from...

Casual Positions in Pairc Ui Chaoimh

Wednesday 24th May, 2017

an additional open day on Wednesday 31st May from 2-5.30pm in Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay.Compass Group, Ireland. We will be recruiting for upto 350 casual positions for Pairc Ui Chaoimh including bar managers, chefs, cateringassistants etc. Compass Group will be holding three open days in the...

Poem by Albert Minihane

Saturday 20th May, 2017

More than a game” The clash of the ash in all its fine glory Can render both tales of fortune or story A game the ancestors drew crowds to the ground And played by “Cúchulain” who tamed a wolf hound Many years have gone by but the sod remains the same As we put it all down to the...

Feile hurling programme

Friday 19th May, 2017

Venue: Ballinspittle - Group ‘B’ (Section 1a)Group Results Co-ordinator: Stephen Harrington 087 – 256 7785 TimeScore 1TeamsScore 2Pitch 11.00 amAghabullogue v Laochra ÓgPitch 111.00 amKilbrittain v Courcey RoversPitch 2Tracton (bye)11.45 amTracton v...

Launch of the Munster GAA Primary Game 2017

Thursday 18th May, 2017

In schools throughout Munster, boys and girls are eagerly awaiting the advent of the Munster hurling and football Championships for it also heralds the start of the Munster GAA Primary Game series. Championship day in Munster, hurling or football, would not be complete without the exhibition...

Club's weekend news

Monday 24th April, 2017

Club Lotto No WinnerNumbers 3,15,23€40 to Corcoran Grandkids, Brian Hayes Kilkerran, Sarah & Ashling Co/opJackpot now €1,700Draw next Sunday Night in The Speckled DoorResultsMon 17th AprilP.I.H.L. Courceys 0-16 Kilworth 2-17Panel Stephen Nyhan, Kilian MOloney, Gavin...