News List

Lost and Found

Monday 25th September, 2017

During the year we have collected a large box of tops, jackets, jerseys etc that have been left in the pitch and dressing rooms. This box is in the referees room. All trainers have access to this room. Any items of clothing not collected by the end of October or the last Saturday morning training session...

Weekly News 25th September

Monday 25th September, 2017

Club Lotto Congratulations to Anne Galvin, Rathdrought, Ballinadee winner of the club lotto. The numbers were 2,5,27Next weeks jackpot is €500FixturesThe next round draws are not made yet for the U21 Hurling Championship. The lads had a good challenge against Ballinhassig. Text the club...

Well done to Kinsale Community School today

Friday 22nd September, 2017

In the Cork post primary school Senior B ChampionshipScore Kinsale C.S. 3-16 Presentation College 0-10 ..... Team... E O leary Sliabh Rua , C Mccarthy Kinsale, S Allen Courcey Rovers, E Cogan Tracton, J Grainger Ballinhassig, C Desmond Ballinhassig , R O Donovan Courcey Rovers S Twomey Courcey...

Weekly News 18th September

Monday 18th September, 2017

Club Lotto no winnerNumbers 26,28,29€40 to Cors O Regan Jnr Castlepark, Ger collins the old head, Owen o callaghan castleparkJackpot next Sunday €2,100FixturesTue 19th Kinsale Community School u16.5 munster hurling championship vs Killeaule 12.30 pm no venue Senior cork colleges...

U21 hurling championship vs Newcestown

Friday 15th September, 2017

In Ahiohill 5.30pm Sunday evening

Help needed in the pitch on Sat night 5.30pm

Friday 15th September, 2017

We are hosting the Carrigdhoun Junior football final Valley Rovers Vs Belgooly

Weekly News 11th September

Monday 11th September, 2017

Club LottoNumbers 4,14,27€40 David Keohane C/o Speckled Door, Will Rossall Ballinspittle, Nora Cowhig LiverpoolJackpot now is €1,900Thank you to all who helped out in the pitch last Saturday for the Senior Football Championship which Ballincollig won.A hugh thank you to Teddy...

Fixtures this weekend

Friday 08th September, 2017

Friday 8th U12 Hurling vs Nemo in Trabeg 6.30pmU14 Football League Vs Crosshaven in Crosshaven at 6.45pmSaturday4.30pm Senior Football Championship Carrigaline vs Ballinacollig in Ballinspittle6pm Premier Intermediate Hurling League vs Fermoy in FermoySunday U13 Hurling League vs...

Help needed in the pitch tonight & Saturday

Thursday 07th September, 2017

we are hosting two gamesThursday 7th U21 Football Reply Carrigaline vs Clonakilty at 6.45pm Saturday 9th Senior Football Championship Carrigaline vs Ballincollig 4.30pm If you can help on the day please be at the pitch 3/4 of hour before the match times....

Weekly News 4th September

Tuesday 05th September, 2017

Club LottoNumbers 8,11,27€40 to Jacqui & Georgina Collins BallinspittleTrevor Patchett Old Head Amy, Lisa &Chris Corcoran RathdroughtJackpot 1,700The club would like to extend their sincerest sympathies to Mark and the White Family on the death of John Ar dheis de go raibh a...

Results of our Annual Golf Classic

Saturday 02nd September, 2017

Our annual golf classic was held last Thursday 31st in Kinsale Golf Club. Again the weather was very kind to us on the day. We had a full time sheet. Thanks to all our golfers because without you we could not have our classic.Go raibh mile maith agat to all our sponsors especially the main sponsor of our...

Great event tonight in Kinsale Community School

Saturday 02nd September, 2017

With the official launch of a hurling project jointly planned between KCS and GAA clubs whose players attend the school.The purpose of the project is to maximise the hurling talent that exists in the school with a view to competing and challenging for honours in top tier schools hurling...

Courcey Rovers wist to extend their sincerest sympathies to

Friday 01st September, 2017

Mark and the White Family on the death of his Father John Ar dheis de go raibh a anam.White (Garrettstown) on August 30th 2017 in the loving care of the staff at Marymount Curraheen. John (Garage), beloved husband of Siobhan (nee Kelly). Kilmore. Ballinspittle and dear father of Aaron, David,...

Cork GAA Clubs Draw August Results

Friday 01st September, 2017

Cork GAA Clubs Draw - Draw ResultsAugust DrawPrizeCodeWinnerClub1st€25,000 CashI163CATHAL O'CONNORBallinora2ndLuxury Holiday to Lapland worth €3,000A015DENIS MC SWEENEYBallinhassig3rdLuxury Break worth €1,000D692JOHN HEDIGANBallyhea4thLuxury Break worth...

For all students & parents of Kinsale Community School

Thursday 31st August, 2017

Important Message regarding Hurling at Kinsale Community School.Starting Sunday Sept 3rd an exciting project will begin in KCS where the local GAA clubs in the Kinsale area will work in partnership with the school to prepare the U16 /U16.5 & Senior hurling teams for the Cork and Munster...

Weekly News 28th August

Monday 28th August, 2017

Club Lotto No WinnerNumbers 20,27,29€40 to Micheal Hayes Lispatrick, Shane McCarthy Ballymackeane, Liam Barry GarrettstownJackpot €1,500The Clubs Annual Golf Classic is on the coming Thursday 31st in Kinsale Golf Club. If you would like to enter a team or sponsor a tee box/green...

Premier Intermediate Hurling Championship vs Charleville

Tuesday 22nd August, 2017

In Coachford 6.30pm Saturday night

Good luck to our Minor hurlers tonight

Monday 21st August, 2017

In Kilbrittain 7pm vw Bandon

Courcey Rovers Annual Golf Classic

Wednesday 16th August, 2017

will take place in Kinsale GC on Thursday August 31st. Continued investment in our Underage players and facilities are dependant on the support the Club receives through fundraising events such as the annual golf classic. Entry cost for a team of 3, including dinner in Kinsale GC, is €200. A...

Good luck to our U16's in hurling championship vs Kinsale

Wednesday 16th August, 2017

in Kilbrittain tonight 7pm and the Premier intermediate hurlers vs Cloyne tonight in Ballinspittle 7.15pm