Blood Donor Clinic Acton's Hotel Kinsale Tue 7th 5 to 8.30pm
Friday 03rd April, 2015
Latest results of Sports Prediction League available
Thursday 02nd April, 2015
Congratulations to Ballinadee N.S. County Scor na bPaisti Sketch
Wednesday 25th March, 2015
Cork GAA Clubs Draw March on Thur 26th in Dohenys
Sunday 22nd March, 2015
Good Luck to Ballinadee N.S. in Scor na bPaisti Finals today
Saturday 21st March, 2015
Players travelling to North America for the summer
Monday 16th March, 2015
Well done to Ballinadee N.S. on qualifying for the county final
Saturday 14th March, 2015
U6 Training begining on Sat 21st Mar 11am to noon
Friday 13th March, 2015
Montions 50 & 51 dealing with age grades as passed at Congress
Friday 13th March, 2015
Rebel Og Feile Peile B on Sat next in Passage
Thursday 12th March, 2015
P.I.H.C V Bandon is fixed for the 16th May in Brinny
Wednesday 11th March, 2015
Clothes collection on Sat 14th from 10am to 2pm
Friday 06th March, 2015
Summary Motions Passed at Congress 2015
Thursday 05th March, 2015
Good Luck to Mairead & Rose in the Scor County Final on
Thursday 05th March, 2015
Come and Try Camogie Day on Sat 7th In School Hall Ballinadee
Tuesday 03rd March, 2015
GAA National Club Draw Results
Monday 02nd March, 2015
Congratulations to all who took part in the Scor na bPaisti last
Friday 27th February, 2015
Cork GAA Clubs Draw February Results
Friday 27th February, 2015
Senior Camogie Tournament V Ballincollig Fri 27th 8pm
Tuesday 24th February, 2015
Result Coucey Senior Camogie 3-12 Sars 0-7
Sunday 22nd February, 2015