News List

Blood Donor Clinic Acton's Hotel Kinsale Tue 7th 5 to 8.30pm

Friday 03rd April, 2015

Latest results of Sports Prediction League available

Thursday 02nd April, 2015

The latest results for the Courcey Rover Sports Prediction are now available after 3 events.Click HERE to view the leaderboard.Courcey Rovers would like to thanks everybody who purchased and all sellers for their efforts. You support is very much appreciated....

Congratulations to Ballinadee N.S. County Scor na bPaisti Sketch

Wednesday 25th March, 2015

winners. Taking part are Michael Riordan, Paul Riordan, Ciaran Rjks Weidner, Alan Burton, Alice Collins, Daniel Kennedy, Niamh Nyhan and Laura Helbrow. Well done to all involved.Torthaí: Rince Foirne: (1) Boherbue, (2) Summercove Kinsale. Rince Aonar: (1) Marian Creedon...

Cork GAA Clubs Draw March on Thur 26th in Dohenys

Sunday 22nd March, 2015

Good Luck to Ballinadee N.S. in Scor na bPaisti Finals today

Saturday 21st March, 2015

Ovens hosts county Scór na bPaistí Finals. Primary School children from across the divisions compete in the Cork Scór na bPaistí Finals on this Saturday (March 21st) in the Eire Óg Pavilion, Ovens commencing at 4pm. The showpiece features an abundance of talent from all...

Players travelling to North America for the summer

Monday 16th March, 2015

All players that will be seeking an Official GAA Sanction from Central Council to play in North America, New York or Canada for the summer are reminded that travel insurance must be arranged in Ireland before they commence their journeys. Like the vast majority of travel insurance policies, the...

Well done to Ballinadee N.S. on qualifying for the county final

Saturday 14th March, 2015

sketch in Scor na bPaisti in Eire Og on Saturday March 21st 4pm.Taking part are Michael Riordan, Paul Riordan, Ciaran Rjks Weidner, Alan Burton, Alice Collins, Daniel Kennedy, Niamh Nyhan and Laura Helbrow.

U6 Training begining on Sat 21st Mar 11am to noon

Friday 13th March, 2015

U6 & Junior Infant Boys training beginning Saturday 21st March from 11am to 12 noon.

Montions 50 & 51 dealing with age grades as passed at Congress

Friday 13th March, 2015

will not become Rule until 1st January 2016. The motions are as follows: Motion (50) That Rule 6.16 - Official Guide Part 1 – Age Grades (page 83) in respect of Adult and Under 21 Grades be amended to read as follows: Adult Club - be over 17 years Inter-County - be over 18 years...

Rebel Og Feile Peile B on Sat next in Passage

Thursday 12th March, 2015

Feile Football will be held in Passage West next Saturday. In our group are Passage West, Bantry Blues, Glanworth and Kilmurray.Rebel Og Feile Peile B Group 3 Team 1 Score Score Team 2 Venue Date Time Comment...

P.I.H.C V Bandon is fixed for the 16th May in Brinny

Wednesday 11th March, 2015

at 7.45pm.It the second game in a double header: Ballygarvan v Éire Óg, are at 6.00pm

Clothes collection on Sat 14th from 10am to 2pm

Friday 06th March, 2015

Courcey Rovers Camogie & Ladies Football Club are holding a collection of the following items on Sat 14th March from 10am to 12pm at Courcey Rovers GAA Club House. Clothes/Books/Magazines/Encyclopedias/Mobiles/Soft Toys/Paired shoes/Household linens Books &...

Summary Motions Passed at Congress 2015

Thursday 05th March, 2015

GAA Congress approved the one-on-one penalty and also an advantage rule in hurling. The proposal that players sent off for a second yellow card be allowed a replacement was defeated. The proposal to play adult competition, a player must be at least 17 at club level and 18 at inter-county was...

Good Luck to Mairead & Rose in the Scor County Final on

Thursday 05th March, 2015

Sunday 6pm in Ovens GAA Hall.Mairead McCarthy is competing in the solo singing and Rose Nyhan in the recitation.

Come and Try Camogie Day on Sat 7th In School Hall Ballinadee

Tuesday 03rd March, 2015

from 11am to 12.30pm. Learn skills, have fun and make friends. Equipment provided on the day. Meet Cork Camogie players. All are welcome.

GAA National Club Draw Results

Monday 02nd March, 2015

which took place at GAA National Congress last Friday evening 1. Trip with the 2015 All-Stars.The complete package for two includes All-Ireland Football Final tickets, All-Stars banquet tickets, and airline tickets for the 2015 All-Stars tour complete with hotel accommodation and match...

Congratulations to all who took part in the Scor na bPaisti last

Friday 27th February, 2015

Sunday Ballinadee N.S. Recitation Roisin Collins Nolan, Instrumental Music: Martin Crowley, Niamh Nyhan, Clare McCarthy, Lucy Crowley, Ciaran Fogarty. Ballad Group Niamh Nyhan, Roisin Gallagher, Ciaran Rijks Weidner, Shauna Farley, Micheal Riordan Sketch: Ml Riordan, Paul...

Cork GAA Clubs Draw February Results

Friday 27th February, 2015

The Cork GAA Clubs monthly draw took place tonight in the Kilshannig Club, Glantane. Our congratulations to Kieran Brett, Ballinure on winning the Grand Prize a Skoda Octavia or €20,225.00 cash. Grand Prize: Skoda Octavia or €20,225 Cash - Kieran Brett, Ballinure 2nd. Trip...

Senior Camogie Tournament V Ballincollig Fri 27th 8pm

Tuesday 24th February, 2015

in Ballincollig

Result Coucey Senior Camogie 3-12 Sars 0-7

Sunday 22nd February, 2015