News List

Good luck to Linda Collins & the Cork Camogie team

Thursday 10th September, 2015

on Sunday in the All Ireland Senior Final V Galway.Hawk Eye will be used for the first time at a camogie finalThe ticket prices for the 2015 Liberty Insurance All-Ireland Camogie Championship Finals are as follows: Adults; €25 if purchased in advance €30 if purchased on...

Concussion Guidelines

Thursday 10th September, 2015

Key Points on Concussion. Concussion is a brain injury that needs to be taken seriously to protect the long term welfare of all players. Any player suspected of having sustained a concussion, should be removed immediately from the field and should not return to play on the same day....

The top ten in our Sports predicition league

Thursday 10th September, 2015

Justin White

Mary Nyhan

Brendan O'Connell

Lester Hurley

Mike Daly


Munster GAA Bursaries for 2015/16 for UCC & CIT

Monday 07th September, 2015

UCC GAA Club and CIT GAA Club invite applications for Munster GAA Bursaries for 2015/2016. The application is open to members of the Association (male and female) who are attending a full time Higher Education course and who are active participants in their Higher Education GAA...

U15 H.C. V Carrigtwohill in Carrigtwohill 7.30pm Tue 8th

Sunday 06th September, 2015

Come out and support the lads

Well done to our Minor Hurlers

Sunday 06th September, 2015

East Cork Minor A Hurling ChampionsCourcey Rovers 1-16 Carrig na bfhearr 2-08

Minor H.C. V Carrig na bhFear Sat 5th 6.45pm in Ballygarvan

Saturday 05th September, 2015

Come out and support the lads in the East Cork Minor Hurling Championship Final

Latest results from our Sports Prediction League - Sept 3rd

Friday 04th September, 2015

This is the latest updated table after the World Athletics Championships.We've a new leader whose got the last 6 events spot on.

July results from our Sports Prediction League

Wednesday 02nd September, 2015

July update for Sports Prediction League. This is the latest table which includes the Tour de France result.

U14 H.C V Inniscarra on Wed 2nd 7pm in Belgooly

Wednesday 02nd September, 2015

Adult Club Meeting on Thursday 3rd 9pm in club rooms

Tuesday 01st September, 2015

Minor Hurling Championship V Aghabullague in Cloughduv

Friday 28th August, 2015

on Monday 31st 6.30pm.Come out and support the lads.

Congrats to John O'Rielly & John & Caroline Hunt

Friday 28th August, 2015

winners in the August Cork GAA Clubs Draw.John won €500 and John & Caroline won a €100 voucher for O2 Shop

August Cork GAA Clubs Draw Results

Friday 28th August, 2015

P.I.H.L V Blarney in Ballinspittle on Sun 23rd at 12noon

Friday 21st August, 2015

Junior B Hurling Championship v Ballymartle in Kinsale on Sunday

Friday 21st August, 2015

23rd at 6.45pm

The Kia Venga Car will be presented to the winner of our draw

Wednesday 19th August, 2015

Micheal Curtin tonight at Nyhan Motors Bandon at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome

U16 Hurling Championship Final on Sat next 3.30pm in

Wednesday 19th August, 2015

Ballincollig V AghabullogueCome out and support the lads.

Cul Camp - Important Updated Information

Friday 14th August, 2015

Courcey Rovers Cul Camp starts next Monday August 17th until Friday August 21st.Each day it will commence at 10 am and finish at 2.30 each day.
Please note that we have been advised by the Cork County Board that there is a shortage in Cul Camp gear, particularly sizes 3a and 4a. The Board...

Junior B Hurling Championship v Crosshaven in Minane Bridge

Friday 14th August, 2015

tonight at 7pm