Games Development Conference Jan 10th & 11th. - 2013-12-23 14:15:00

GAA Researchers Forum as part of the Games Development Conference

This year’s Games Development Conference involves some new innovations, arising from delegate feedback.

Friday, January 10th will feature the first GAA Researcher’s Forum. Delegate feedback indicated that presentations from researchers in the general coaching or development area would be very valuable. Therefore the researcher’s forum will be an opportunity for researchers from Ireland and overseas can present their work to our delegates, outlining what they did and why it is important for coaches to take heed of their work.

Some of Irelands leading researchers will present their work. Researchers representing the following institutions will be presenting:

  • Cork Institute of Technology
  • Dublin City University
  • Mary Immaculate College of Education
  • Institute of Technology, Tallaght
  • Waterford Institute of Technology
  • University College Dublin
  • Ulster Council GAA
  • Connacht Council GAA
  • University of Central Lancashire
The forum will be chaired by Padraig Ó Ceidigh (Chair of the GAA Research Committee) and will begin at 7.30pm on Friday January 10th. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to outline their work, which will be followed by an opportunity for delegates to put questions directly to each researcher.
For a full list of each researcher, their affiliation and their presentation topic, click here
Attending the GAA Researchers Forum is part of the Liberty Insurance Games Development Conference. To register your place, you can either:
  1. Book online through the GAA ticket system - click here or 
  2. Download and return the application form from the Conference Brochure. Download the brochure here.
For more information call 01-8363222 or email