Club News of 12th July - 2021-07-14 06:49:00

The club lotto was held last Monday night

The numbers drawn were  18,29,30

There was no winner

€40 to Martin Nyhan Carrigavileen, Donal Manning Kilcoleman, Mary O'Neill Peafield

The Jackpot next week is €1,700


Tickets can be purchased online at                

or in Centra and Barryroe Co-op Ballinspittle.

Hugh congratulations to Sean Twomey a member of the Cork U20 team that defeated Dublin on a score of 2-19 to 1-18 of which Sean scored a goal, to win the All Ireland U20 Hurling Final.  This was a great day for Sean, his family and the club in general.

At a club meeting on last Thursday night Sean Murphy was elected as Club President for the next five years. Sean has a long association with the club and we wish him well in his new role.

U13 H/L Courceys 1-9 St Colums 2-12

U15 H/C Courceys 2-12 Ibane Gales 2-13

P.I.H.L  Courceys 1-15 Fr O'Neills 1-16

That was the final league game. In our section we have finished in 2nd place, Charleville, Fr O'Neills and ourselves are all on 11 points have won 2 games and lost one.  Charleville are in first place having a points difference of 12, ourselves in second on 5 points difference and Fr O'Neills 3rd on -1 point difference.

U17 H/L Courceys 0-10 Kinsale 2-11


Wed 14th JulyU18 F/L

Senior Camogie

U14 Camogie
Glen RoversGlen Rovers7.30pm
Thur 15th JulyU13 F/L
Kilbrittain  Ballinspittle 7.30pm
16th July FriU12 Camogie

Sat 17th JulyU12 LGFACourceys RedRosscarberyBallinspittle5pm

U11 Camogie

U10 Camogie

U9 go games
Argideen RangersBallinspittle10am
Sun 18th Julyu15 F/Champ
ShamrocksBallinspittle12 noon

U15 Camogie
TractonTracton 5pm
Mon 19th JulyU15 H/LCourceys 2Carrigtwohill 2Carrigtwohill7.30pm