The club lotto was held Monday night
The numbers drawn were 1,8,36
There was one winner Rachel O'Leary c/o Eoin Hayes Old Head
The Jackpot next week is €500
Tickets can be purchased online at
or in Centra and Barryroe Co-op Ballinspittle.
Courcey Rovers GAA – Club President
In December last, our esteemed Club President Chris Corcoran went to his eternal reward. Over nearly 70 years, Chris had been at the heart of our Club and left behind a legacy that will be forever remembered and cherished.
In regard to our Club President position going forward, at our recent Club AGM members passed the following motion
“ the Club President role is held for a 5 year term, nominations for the role can be made by Club Members to the Club Executive Committee, from nominations received the Club Executive Committee propose a new Club President and same is ratified at the next Club meeting ”
Club members are now invited to send their nominations for our next Club President to our club secretary
- by email to
- by mobile text or call to 087.2389538
Members from 2020 & 2021 are eligible to make a nomination.
Closing date for nominations is Friday June 11th
Rebels Bounty May draw was held last Thursday night unfortunately the club had no winner.
Please find below a link to a Sway document on the GAA Playing Rule changes introduced in 2021 that affect clubs.